
Creative Arts in the RAPAD Region

Arts, culture and creativity is alive and well in CWQ. RAPAD’s recent creative projects have supported the investigation into the role of arts in RAPAD’s communities with the aim of understanding how activities like these contribute to the vitality, wellbeing and sustainability of communities – particularly during tough times like drought.

Image credit: Bryan Crawford, Longbow Productions

Woven Stories

In 2024, the ‘Woven Stories’ project, led by RAPAD and partnering with Queensland University of Technology (QUT) builds on RAPAD supported research by Dr Sandra Gattenhof and Dr Donna Hancox investigating ‘The Role of the Creative Arts in Regional Australia’ published in March 2023.

The project team visited and ran workshops in Jundah, Winton, Alpha, Barcaldine, Tambo and with health stakeholders in Longreach during April 2024. Workshop participants shared their understanding of creativity, the aspects of communities they are most proud of and the spaces and places that are important to them and that make the greatest impact. The workshops also explored community challenges and opportunities across all aspects of life and future hopes and ambitions for communities.


The ‘Woven Stories’ project was made possible through funding from the Foundation for Regional and Rural Renewal’s (FRRR) ‘Community Impact Program’.

The Role of Creative Arts in Regional Australia

In 2023, RAPAD partnered in this Australian Research Council Linkage project which addresses the challenge to effectively target regional arts funding to programs and activities that build capacity and have lasting impact for end-users. It delivers a framework for evaluating the arts, to argue for the arts to be included in a broader understanding of community and national wellbeing and success. This framework will position Australia as an international leader in articulating and responding to the social impact of the arts.

Central West Queensland was chosen as a field site for this project with a focus on Red Ridge (Interior Queensland). The research field sites were chosen in consultation with project partners as communities whose capacity and challenges are reflected throughout much of regional Australia.

Read more about this project and read report on the Role of Creative Arts in Regional Australia.



RAPAD has partnered with Queensland University of Technology to deliver Woven Stories and the Role of Creative Arts projects.