
Go Far Out! Resident Attraction Region Promotion Campaign

The Go Far Out campaign aims to overcome the challenges CWQ is currently experiencing such as:
– job vacancies but cannot find the people to fill them
– lack of a regional narrative to help prospective employees make more informed decisions about coming to the region
– inability to attract to the west hospitality and other workers who many not have ordinarily considered a move to a remote community.

By better conveying the jobs opportunities and affordable rent to currently unemployed people and assist to reduce vacancies.

This initiative is supported by the Queensland Government’s Remote Area Board Funding.

Getting people working, living, and investing in Central West Queensland.

FarOut! is here for “The Unorthodox Pioneer” – they understand there is a genuine opportunity beyond their everyday living and working bubble.

But to motivate them, we need to go beyond job opportunities to provide symbolic value that benefits self-identity and creates a more significant reason for change – this takes a holistic offering. We need to show people what benefits CWQ offers them, by targeting their pain points in their every-day life in the city and other regional areas, and show them how CWQ offers a solution to their problems.

The campaign report attached provides an insight into the activities and outcomes from 2022. The Go Far Out initiative continued into 2023 growing our focus on attracting workers and investors to the region, with the addition of visa holders returning following the lifting of travel restrictions. The 2023 report is also attached below.

Follow the FarOut! social media pages for updates as we continue to promote the great opportunities to live, work and invest in Central West Queensland.

Getting people working, living, and investing in Central West Queensland.
(07) 4652 5660
Download the 2022 Campaign report

Download the 2022 Campaign report

pdf 3.11MB
Download the 2023 Campaign report

Download the 2023 Campaign report

pdf 5.56MB