Project’s value to CWQ
Through this region-building project, we supported the Outback into the modern world – harnessing innovation to engage our communities, strengthen our regions, unlock business potential and prepare our people for the jobs of the future.
The Central Western Queensland (CWQ) region, like many others of similar geography in Australia, has significant challenges ahead. These challenges are magnified because of geographical remoteness, declining populations, skills shortages, and economic instability through reliance on a small number of key industries.
Before the COIVD-19 pandemic was even heard of Outback Hubs included virtual zoom rooms, in every local government area in the RAPAD region and also in the southwest and northwest. We also provided mobile zoom rooms that could be used by individuals, community groups and businesses.
Outback Hubs also supported the region by providing training in areas of digital skills, entrepreneurship, business and technology development.
Through the Hubs, various events were held to empower the region and connect locals to supporters and champions outside of the region.