
Post-Mission Report – US Mission 2024

RAPAD undertook its first international mission to the United States in May 2024.

This US mission was developed as the next important step in our region’s energy journey. It allowed local representation to gain a firsthand understanding and quantify the potential impact and economic benefits a diversified economy and transition to net zero could bring to the RAPAD region.

The RAPAD councils have identified the transition to a diversified economy as a potential economic enabler for our region.

Central Western Queensland has a comparative advantage in the production of traditional and new/renewable energy and already has existing and developing projects underway.

Of key importance to these projects’ success is to ensure we understand how our region and its communities can best benefit from their delivery. Which brings us to the next step on our journey, the mission to the US.

This US mission was developed as the next crucial step in our region’s energy journey. It allowed local representation to gain a firsthand understanding and quantify the potential impact and economic benefits a diversified economy and transition to net zero could bring to the RAPAD region.

The primary focus of this mission was to investigate returns for the communities similar to our own that are leading the transition, strengthen social and economic engagement between regions, and allow participants to connect and exchange international best practice knowledge.

Find out more about the mission:

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